“You look tired”
The cringe worthy statement we’ve all heard and probably said at least once in our lifetime.
Basically another way of telling someone they look like sh*+ without saying they look like sh*+.
The truth is, of course you’re effing tired!
You’re probably working/running your own business, maintaining a personal life, living that family life, AND trying to lose 10lbs all at the same time.
The LAST thing you want to hear is “you look tired.”
The good news is that by using the right products in the right placements you’ll hear less of the “you look tired” comments and…
Well, the goal is to not hear “you look tired”.
Here are 5 ways to look less tired!
– Redness reliever eye drops. ← eyedrops go a LOONNNG way!! Personal Favorite is by Lumify. https://www.lumifydrops.com
– Highlighting- (When I say highlighting I don’t mean shimmer disco ball from across the room)
– There are 3 main placements on the face that I specifically target with concealer that make a WORLD of a difference when it comes to looking tired. (Subscribe on my homepage to receive your freebie face chart for a breakdown https://meaganbrown.com)
– Conceal your eye lid. The skin tone on your lid has discoloration too. For all my girls that don’t wear eyeshadow this is a quick fix, just make sure you set it with a loose powder.
– Use a flesh toned eyeliner in the inner lower lash line. Pro trick- Apply, then soften with a Q-tip. NYX wonder pencil work wonders () and comes in 3 different shades. https://www.nyxcosmetics.com
– Try a bright bold lip. Dragon Girl by Nars www.narscosmetics.com is a personal fav. It really gives me life when I’m looking for something quick. (Stay away from cool toned lipsticks on these extra tired days.)
If your tired of being told you look tired let me see some hands, and if you have another beauty trick to look less tired please share in the comments below!